
Hawaii Addiction Facility Provides Individualized Solutions

By Carlene Eriksson

Men and women who have been struggling with substance abuse for quite some time will need to seek professional help. As long as they visit an addiction center Hawaii residents can trust, addicts can get the help they deserve. Individuals can kick their bad habits and get on with their lives.

Alcohol can be an especially tough habit to break. Men and women who have recently been through tragic losses in their lives will be looking for ways to overcome the pain. A predilection toward alcohol can eventually lead them to become addicted to the substance in the weeks ahead.

Drugs can also present a problem. When men and women become addicted to cocaine and heroin, for example, their lives may begin to fall apart. Hard drugs will eventually prevent people from going to work or school. Counselors can help patients kick the hard drug habit once and for all.

Depression and anxiety are specific mental disorders that can often accompany substance abuse. When individuals are suffering from depression, winning the battle against their addictive tendencies may be nearly impossible. With devotion, patients can go to the clinic and receive the help they deserve.

Once individuals have begun to make a bit of progress, they'll likely be encouraged to take part in activities that have been deemed healthy. Biking, hiking, and backpacking are all activities that have been used to explore the outdoors. Healthy activities are a way to keep the mind off of other things.

In the end, a quality counseling center will be crucial in the final path to recovery. When individuals feel like they are being supported in their journey toward sobriety, they can reach their goals. Once they have become sober, people can build relationships with friends and family members that had previously been broken.

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Ways Gresham Chiropractor Provides Postural Correction Procedures To Locals

By Melisa Carlucci

Posture is regarded the alignment of the spine, head, and neck in comparison to the rest of the body. When faulty posture is present, your spine may begin to curve over a period resulting in heightened pressure on the nerves, muscles, and the soft tissues. Gresham chiropractic offers manual and natural therapy to restore balance and to control the symptoms associated with misaligned bodily mechanics.

The alignment of your spinal column refers to the balance of bodily components. When all structures are aligned it minimizes the strain placed on nerve operation and allows the body to move in a smooth and flexible manner. While sitting or standing, the correct types of posture will minimize joint, nerve, and soft tissue pressure.

Faulty posture is responsible for placing increased pressure on your joints. While the muscles and ligaments can buffer against the negative impact of poor structural alignment, weak soft tissues will simply result in damages. Over time, the joints can deteriorate and increase your risk for developing arthritic conditions.

Problems pertaining to posture can include knee pain, hip dysfunction, and back strain. The curvature of the shoulders and forward stance of the head can lead to the experience of ongoing headaches. It is important to determine the underlying causes for limitations and to correct structural issues that are identified.

To correct your posture, an exam will need to be completed consisting of spinal alignment and mobility tests. Addressing bodily mechanics requires patient education regarding the correct ways of sitting, standing, and engaging in different actions including the lifting of heavy objects. Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and tissues can buffer against the impact of poor joint function.

Where the lumbar region and the knees are under strain, it may be corrected by wearing foot orthotics for balance. The process involved in straightening a curved spine will involve a back brace that is comfortable and discrete. Improving patient awareness and understanding of bodily mechanics can relieve joint pressure and prevent against dysfunction.

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After Care Tips When Getting A Gastric Bypass Surgery

By Kerri Stout

Invasive procedures can actually be a pain, not only physically but with the other stuff you need to take care. Not only do you have to prepare yourself for it, you also have to make sure to pay attention to some after care tips. It is important that you pay close attention to the post op procedure too, especially for gastric bypass surgery in Mexico.

There should be various after care tips you can follow for this. For example, you have to know that your body will need vitamins for recuperation. You will be eating less for the sake of not burdening your stomach so you need to supplement vitamins. By keeping up with your intake of multivitamins, you can easily get proper nutrition despite eating less.

You should then remember to drink water daily to keep the body hydrated. You need to drink at least one and a half to two liters of water daily. Even though that is quite difficult after the procedure because of your reduced stomach size, you have to force yourself to drink water if you do not want to suffer complications.

If the food has high content of sugar and fat, then you better stay away from it. Such foods have very high calorie content. Remember that after the procedure you are only allowed to consume very few calories. If you do follow the said recommendation, you might end up with abdominal cramps and vomiting.

As mentioned, water is important but it should be taken at the right amount and at the right time. You should not drink large amounts before meal. You have to secure high nutrients from food, not from liquids. Avoid drinking right at least forty minutes before taking a meal as well as twenty minutes to thirty minutes after taking one.

Alcoholic drinks or carbonated drinks are a no-no when it comes to the after care. After all, these are just full of empty calories. If you persist on drinking alcoholic or carbonated drinks, you will just be upsetting your new stomach as well as your small intestines. To get more explanation about this, ask your post op doctor.

Do not be afraid to do some light exercises. As soon as you can get up and walk, you should do so. You have to avoid having your muscles stiffen up. Of course, the exercise should not be rigorous. You can start by walking around the yard or the neighborhood. You can build your regimen there.

Be sure to listen to the body. When your body tells you to eat, then you eat. If it tells you that you are already full, then do not overeat. You have to be aware of that so that you do not force your stomach to working too hard just to digest the food you eat. Otherwise, you will just be stressing your stomach.

There will be small changes brought about by this operation. Of course, this does not mean that your whole life will change just because you took this operation. However, it would be good if this operation helps you change for the better. It should help you start taking better care of yourself.

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Perks Of Gastric Sleeve Surgery

By Kerri Stout

If this is something that you are not yet certain about, then find some clarity into the matter once you are done reading this article. So get a break from your busy schedule and that will be the time that you can be alone with this source. Yes, everything will have to be a secret if you do not want anyone to know how you got so slim.

The first thing that you can get from this procedure would be the feeling of wellness. The gastric sleeve surgery in Mexico is bound to make you feel light for the rest of your life. Thus, if this is what you want for your body, then you should have no hesitation in positioning yourself on top of the operation table.

Second, you will already have the courage to step outside of your house. Thus, you can finally say goodbye to your home buddy routines. You will start to live your life the right way. As a result, you will get more of the natural light of the sun. You will have more vitamins in your body and the list just goes on and on.

Third, you can already be the best customer in a fitness gym. If you used to feel that you do not have a right to be in that place, then that feeling will already be a thing in the past for you. You should have realized by now that the surgery is going to be the start of the your new life chapter. So, never take it for granted.

You can eventually kick laziness outside of your body. As your fat continue to disappear, the same goes for all the things that are associated with it. Thus, you will have more energy to do your work and that is something that will never go unnoticed in a small company. So, expect to get promoted when you least expect it.

You would have a better job. If you have only settled for your current position because of your former weight, then that is about to change since you have already got rid of what is weighing you down. So, start looking for better job opportunities. Allow them to help you slowly climb up that corporate ladder.

People will admire you for the new figure that you have managed to possess. However, do no let yourself get lost in the process. You need to try to stay humble and keep your feet on the ground. You may be able to turn the heads of strangers but that is nothing compared to the friendships that you will acquire because of your kindness.

You would start to meet a lot of people. So, you can no longer classify yourself as a loner. You can show to everyone that you really have a great personality and that they have been wrong to judge you before. You can be their very own karma.

Overall, gain your self worth through this medical procedure. That is actually one of the best things that you can give to yourself. So, find the right surgical team as soon as possible.

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Advantages Of Weight Loss Surgery

By Kerri Stout

If this process is something that you want to try within the year, then you better start saving for it as early as now. Forget about your other goals in life. If you consider this as the most important part of your existence, then fill up that piggy bank and do not listen to what other people are telling you. You are recommended to read this article as well.

The first thing that you can get from this service would obviously be the reduced amount in your weight. So, if you want to look sexy in the soonest time possible, then you would just have to get a weight loss surgery in Mexico. Thus, work on that and have the necessary money for you not to get embarrassed in front of a lot of people.

Second, the process will never be a failure. A wide range of people may have discouraged you from it but those individuals simply do not know the facts. So, for you to gain more confidence in what you are doing, you can talk to the people who have already been this surgical path before. Gain some wonderful insight from them.

Third, you will never get back to your original weight. The finished procedure will serve as your blocker. As you can see, the great possibilities can be endless for you if you push through with the surgical idea that is in your mind. The only thing that is stopping you right now is fear. Thus, try to suppress that factor as much as you can.

Also, you will never get the feeling that you are being treated as lab rat. Only a considerable amount of anesthesia will be inserted in your body and nothing more. So, you will get out of that operation room with the same number of bones and external parts. The only thing that will be taken from you will be those fats that you never needed.

You would never have to feel a serum being injected inside your body. You would be unconscious all throughout the operation. Thus, you would basically wake up one day having the slimmer waist that you have always wanted. So, you have already made your dream come true with just one step.

You would be more of a goal getter from now on. As mentioned, you would be obliged to start living a healthy life when everything has been said and done. Thus, obtaining a low calorie intake would be one of your goals and achieving it would certainly give you a great sense of fulfillment afterward.

You can have the courage to stay away from vices. They will no longer be part of your life. You can start anew and that will all be thanks to the magic of science and technology.

Overall, have full confidence on your team. If they have been doing this thing for a decade already, then trusting them will be a piece of cake. It can even come naturally to you as a patient.

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Easy and Natural Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol


When choosing any diet plan, you should always make an effort to manage your intake of bad cholesterol, or LDL. While the easiest way to do this is minimizing your intake of meat and eggs, there are many other natural ways to accomplish it as well.

Get More Vitamin E

Taking 400 international units of Vitamin E can prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol. Oxidation is the process that causes cholesterol to harden and become plaque, increasing the risk of heart attack. Vitamin E also raises the level of HDL. HDL is a good form of cholesterol that actually helps remove any bad cholesterol clogging your arteries. Start taking a Vitamin E supplement or add things like olive oil and nuts to your diet.

Don't Skip Breakfast

People who eat a healthy breakfast are less likely to crave food throughout the day. They are also less likely to overeat during any of their other meals also. Making this a habit can lower your cholesterol intake even if you do splurge on your favorite fast food and will lead to weight loss.

Enjoy Small Meals Frequently

Large meals cause your body to release a huge amount of insulin. This will stimulate cholesterol production too. Eating small, frequent meals without increasing the total calories will limit this process. Eating on a steady schedule like this will also increase your metabolic rate. If your body knows you're going to be feeding it regularly, it is less likely to store.

Eat More Fruit and Beans

While many vitamins and minerals can play a role in cholesterol production, Vitamin C is one of the most critical. It's responsible for raising HDL levels. If you get your Vitamin C from fruit, you'll also be ingesting a fiber called Pectin. This fiber actually flushes cholesterol out of the digestive system before it hits the blood stream. Pectin can also be found in beans, so be sure to add more of them to your diet as well.

Add Garlic to Your Diet

Eating about seven cloves of garlic daily will cause a significant reduction in cholesterol. Even the best of garlic lovers may have some trouble taking in that much through diet alone though. You might want to try taking an odorless garlic supplement as well.

Skip the Decaffeinated Coffee

You may already know that caffeine isn't very good for you heart, but removing it from your coffee may not be helping much either. Coffee beans actually contain a chemical called cafestol, which can hinder the body's ability to control LDL cholesterol. Regular and decaffeinated coffee contain the same amount of cafestol, so you should really avoid it all together. If you still need an energy booster, try taking ginseng.
Remember, not all cholesterol is bad! Lowering your intake of LDL, but increasing HDL cholesterol will improve your health. If you can't do without meat and eggs, practice these tips and moderation to keep your arteries and heart healthy.
Like what you read? Get more information on staying healthy here.

Staying Motivated to Live Healthy


We all know that living healthy is what we should do, but, for most of us, it is just so hard to make it a long-term, lifestyle. So how do we do it? Why does it seem so easy for some people, while the great majority of Americans, just can't seem to either get on-board or stay on-board with a way of living that benefits everyone?
First we need to look at what it means to be 'healthy.' It doesn't mean being skinny. It doesn't mean participating in the endless food fads, popular diets, newest workouts, or any other fleeting thing. It does mean making good decisions when it comes to eating, physical activity, and even things like going to the doctor or dentist. Being healthy can mean feeling good. Having energy. Not being sick! It is also a matter of caring for yourself, and your family, in a way that allows you to participate in life without suffering the ramifications of 'bad' health decisions that you make or made. Being healthy is both long term and short-term actions. Being healthy benefits the individual and the whole community.
People who are healthy are, in general, happier. It is a great burden to deal with the effects of things like illness, obesity, even being tired all the time. Community groups that consist of mostly healthy individuals are happier and able to focus their resources (time, money, problem solving, creativity) on things other than trying to care for the members of the group who are unhealthy. According to, a function of the National League of Cities, which exists to help build healthier communities in the United States, "The estimated annual health care costs of obesity-related illness are a staggering $190.2 billion or nearly 21% of annual medical spending in the United States. Childhood obesity alone is responsible for $14 billion in direct medical costs." Just think what we as a country could do with all that money!!
That should motivate our whole country to action!! We all know the facts, so its going to take more than that to motivate us to live consistently healthy lives. Considering the implications our own unhealthiness has on others should, however, help us move toward the goal of healthy living.
Knowing that the facts aren't enough to keep us motivated, what is ENOUGH? The first step in getting and staying motivated has to be a realization that something does need to change. But where do you need to make changes. Identify where and why you need to be healthy. Do you need to lose weight, eat healthier, exercise more, get your teeth cleaned or get your annual checkup done? After you have identified where the changes need to be made, you need to decide what your goals are. In order to stay motivated realistic goals need to be set. Don't set yourself up for failure, it is impossible to stay motivated in the face of impossible tasks and constant failure. If you want to lose weight, determine how much and how long it will take you to reach a healthy weight. For most people losing three pounds a week is a realistic and healthy goal. Wanting to look like a Victoria Secret model or Captain America is not very realistic. Expectations that are too lofty often lead people to lose motivation more quickly. If you want to start eating healthier you'll have to work new healthy habits into shopping, cooking, and dining out. It is probably less attainable to decide one day that you are only going to eat vegan, organic foods. Set realistic goals!!
Another key to motivation is finding people to support you. There are people everywhere who are trying to live healthier. Find them and walk with them on your journey, you will motivate each other! Remember, though, that your life and how you get healthy are not the same as anyone else's, so don't compare your life to theirs! Using someone else as your benchmark for success is not going to give you sustained motivation.
Many people who are successful at living healthy use visual aides to keep them motivated. Hang the jeans you want to fit into on the outside of your closet, where you can always see them. Use a dry erase marker to right motivational phrases or your goals on your bathroom mirror. On your kitchen cabinets post your goal weight, or reminders of how you want to feel, to help guide how you eat.
Above all BE POSITIVE. Focus on what you have achieved, not matter how small it seems. Remember how you felt eating unhealthy food, and how you have a little more energy now. Tell yourself that you are worth the effort, and your family needs you to keep living healthy. Think of the things that living healthy will allow you to do. You can be more active, live more life, live a longer life, spend your future time and money on fun stuff! And, it may seem cheesy, but talk to yourself. If you ever watch highly successful athletes, you can see them getting themselves ready for the competition. They tell themselves they can do it, and beat their chests. Yell, cheer, jump around. This is a fight worth fighting, get excited and stay MOTIVATED!!
Mark Thornton is a writer/blogger for Catalyst Coaching Institute (CCI). The premier provider of comprehensive Wellness Coach Certification and Training. CCI also provides educational and operational tools and resources for Health Coach Certification around the globe.

Choose Between Death Or Change


Most people actually choose to die than to change their behaviour - fact. I know that is a strong statement but after reading this short article hopefully you will be able to see where I am coming from.
So what about you?
Are you UNABLE to stop eating or drinking booze?
If so, don't sweat, you are just like the majority of people in the western world today, they also ultimately choose death rather than to change their behaviour.
Personally I can't think of anything worse than being "just like everybody else" and just letting it happen.
Many people in the Western World are:
Over fed on processed sugary foods
Lazy (it's our nature it's not an insult)
Self indulgent
Spending money quicker than they earn it
Eating food quicker than they can deal with it
With all this stuff we must have improved our lives and made them easier than previous generations, right?
But here is the crazy part, we haven't most people are still stressed and unhappy.
And some people actually think that having more of the above will make them happy somehow. When you think of someone who is stressed or sad what do they do? They could smoke a cigarette, get drunk, eat comfort foods (burgers, chips, chocolate, ice cream, sweets etc.) or even take drugs. All of these things have a major negative effect on our health.
Where is the sense in this? It's all twisted. We are supposed to be intelligent, but we don't seem to act that way. If you ask me, modern man has never had it so good.
We are amongst the first few generations to have THREE meals a day (or more) for our whole life. People, even in my parents generation, didn't have that. This is no to mention things such as internet, cars, mobile phones and all of the other amazing technology we have at our finger tips.
These days we have everything we need to succeed. However we also have everything we need to kill ourselves too.
The diseases that we die from are called "diseases of excess". They are symptoms of living a "western lifestyle". Health problems such as the following occur way too often:
Heart attacks
If you choose to live life excessively, then you are inadvertently choosing to KILL yourself sooner than you would die naturally. I know it is a horrible topic but the health problems we are facing and will continue to face if we don't do something about it are scary.
Don't choose death
Don't choose excess
Choose change
Choose life
Choose moderation
The truth is people can change but choose not to. Some people are scared little sheep and some are hungry Tigers.
Which one are you?
Please if you are guilty of the things mentioned above then regain control of your health and live a better life.
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There are also many easy to read helpful articles and information which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER!
Thanks for reading.

Sugar Cravings - Decode Them to Beat Them


Perhaps you want to lose weight. Or have more energy. Or improve your overall nutritional state. Or avoid getting diabetes, or heart disease. No matter which of these health improvement goals you're working on - or even all of them - all point to reducing your consumption of sweets and even eliminating them from your diet.
Those goals are great as far as they go. You may have charted your health improvement course and even started down the path. And then you're overcome by a huge - often sudden and unexpected- urge to eat sweets and do it now!
What's going on? Is sheer will power enough to win and keep true to your goals? Here are some strategies for dealing with these cravings.
1. Greet them as messages rather than temptations. Consider them as friendly messages from your body. When you do that, you will turn and face them rather than trying to overpower them. And you will be in a listening, receptive attitude toward them. Now you're in a position to find out what they're telling you.
2. It's a simple fact of life that your brain will have enough blood sugar to keep you alive. So if it's in need of some energy, it will make you want to get it immediately, hence the craving. That's really a life-promoting attribute. If that's what's going on, try getting up and moving. That will bring fresh blood supply with its glucose molecules coursing through your arteries and into your brain. Exercise is not just a distraction, it's a way of getting that much-needed energy into your brain so it can keep you alive.
3. Sometimes the issue is in your pancreas. This doesn't necessarily mean you've got diabetes, so don't panic. Instead it may be having trouble doing it's jobs due to lack of the proper supplies to do it with. Consider supplementing with GTF Chromium. GTF stands for 'glucose tolerance factor' and chromium is a mineral necessary for normal carbohydrate metabolism. If this is the issue, and you take even one dose, you'll likely notice a considerable reduction in those cravings by the next day!
4. Given the standard American diet (otherwise known, for good reason, as 'SAD') your pancreas may be just plain tired, having had to work so hard to deal with all those carbohydrates coming through all the time. If this is the case, especially if your last blood sugar test was a little bit off, consider taking a daily dose of Gymnema. It's an herb used in Ayurvedic medicine in India for thousands of years, where it's know as the 'sugar destroyer.' It's so effective that it can lower blood sugar in diabetics, and taken over the long term (18 months or more) has actually been shown to help regenerate pancreatic beta cells. Those are the cells that make insulin.
5. Have you ever prepared some food and put it in the refrigerator for your future use, only to go to get it later when you're really hungry and found out it's gone? (If you've had kids or certain guests, you'll know how that feels!) In this situation, you may actually have uninvited guests in your body, helping themselves to your nutrition before you get a chance to reap its benefits. I'm talking about parasites. (I know, ew!) But the truth is, most of us have them, and most of us don't know it.
Nonetheless, they can cause all manner of strange symptoms, not just food cravings, which they are really good at creating. Things like arthritis, tumors, muscle aches, etc. If this is going on, you might consider asking your health practitioner to check it out. Often this involves a stool sample. That said, stool samples only show parasites sometimes. Since this is the case, those who know it's possible to pick up a parasite very easily and not know it, often opt to do a parasite cleanse routinely. (There are various ways of doing this, which you can find on the internet, or check with your health practitioner for options.)
6. Still on the subject of uninvited guests, there's another kind. It goes by the name of Candida, and it's a yeast that's a normal part of the flora of your G.I Tract. However, if you've had or have leaky gut, or been on antibiotics chances are the yeast has bloomed and invaded through your gut wall and into the rest of your body.
(To check this out for yourself, fill a clear glass with water, then in the a.m. before drinking water or brushing your teeth, spit in the glass (don't disturb the glass after that.) The saliva should float for up to an hour. If it sinks, forms icicle-shapes or globules floating in the water, that's considered positive for Candida.)
Candida thrive on sweets, and they are very bossy! When they want more sweets so they can make more babies, they will send you to the sweet cupboard before you even know what you're doing. And if you succumb, you'll likely feel sleepy afterwards, but that's OK with them. They're busy using that sweet you ate to make more babies.
Candida is considered to be a pre-cancerous condition, with breast cancer being the most likely outcome for women and prostate cancer for men. So if your test is positive, work with your health practitioner to turn it around.
7. Last but not least, is the emotional aspect of sweet cravings. The body can be very literal, and create cravings you interpret as wanting something sweet to eat when actually you're looking for emotional 'sweetness.' - in other words, affection, nurturing, appreciation, kindness, affirmation. Check to see if emotional needs are driving those cravings.
Have you been experiencing negative messages, criticism, all work and no play, a non-existent emotional life? If so, finding out what your emotional needs are and attending to them is what's up for you.
Not certain what emotional needs are, much less how to take care of them? If so, you're not alone. Few people have received a good emotional education, even though your emotional life is what determines all your outcomes!
Your emotional needs will be with you as long as you're alive, with repercussion in your physical health, your self-esteem, your confidence, your relationships, your job successes and more, so it pays huge dividends to both know what they are and how to take care of them.
You can learn all about them at There you will be able to register for the Emotional Development 101, 10 one-hour, once-a-week classes delivered to your inbox. Graduates report it's a life-altering experience- in a good way. The material presented applies to your own emotional life as well as every one else's, all your relationships, your parenting, your creativity and especially your physical and emotional health and well-being.

Consider The Following Advice About Duodenal Switch Surgery

By Kerri Stout

If you have a medical insurance, one of the things that you would like to know is whether the procedure is covered by the insurance or not. Call your insurance agent about it. He knows if such a procedure is covered by your policy or not. The hospital or medical doctor that you are currently in contact with will also know if the procedure is covered or not.

In which case, your relatives or immediate family will do the decision for you. You will be explained about the repercussions of the duodenal switch surgery in Mexico. You will be briefed about the potential risks of the procedure. It is also very important that you know it because there might be complications thereafter.

You also need to take good care after the procedure to avoid the said complications. If you are not careful, your risks of contracting some complications after are high. The doctor will explain to you why the procedure is necessary. He will then ask for your approval. It is also necessary that you understand why you need to undergo the procedure.

The latter will send patients to the hospitals in return that they will provide medical services to them including surgical procedures without paying for it or by paying at discounted prices. This is in consideration for the agreement that these hospitals have with the insurance company. The latter will be the one to pay the hospitals for the medical service provided to their clients.

Thus, one of the advantages of laboratory tests are undetected health conditions are discovered. Some of the conditions have long been there a long and is only know that it is discovered. Having this pre surgical requirements are not only useful but can save your life entirely.

Thus, if you notice, they pay less for their consultation and other certain procedures. Find a good hospital to perform the procedure. One way to find is through your insurance provider. They can provide a good list of the hospitals that you can go to in the area where you are.

Check the background of the hospital. You need to know if the hospital has a good reputation for said procedure. The hospital will be the one to appoint a doctor who will attend to your needs. Also, you can choose your own doctor.

Otherwise, he will not risk it. He will not risk his profession in getting you the procedure since it is him who will be questioned. He will be tagged for negligence. A negligent doctor can be sued. In fact, if he loses in the proceedings, he might lose his professional license as well and will not be able to practice anymore.

There will be tests. Before you can finally be admitted into the procedure, the doctor will have to see first if you are the kind of patient who is fit for the procedure. Check with your insurance provider if the procedure is covered. Procedures like this are mostly covered by insurance providers. You can also ask for affiliated hospitals and doctors from your insurance company.

About the Author:

Heart Disease and Weight Loss


Heart disease is the single biggest killer of Australian women. Women are almost three times more likely to die of it than breast cancer. Symptoms may be different for men and women. and can include:
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Pain, numbness, weakness or coldness in your legs or arms if the blood vessels in those parts of your body are narrowed.
  • Pain in the neck, jaw, throat, upper abdomen or back.

Determine your risk.

Two measurements are used to determine if your weight is linked to increase risk of heart disease - Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index (BMI)

Body Mass Index (BMI)

The BMI is a mathematical formula that factors a person's height and weight in determining obesity.
  • Underweight - Below 18.5
  • Normal - 18.5 - 24.9
  • Overweight - 25.0 - 29.9
  • Obesity 30.0 - and Above
Those who are overweight or obese and have two or more risk factors should lose weight to decrease their risk for heart disease.

Waist circumference

Measurement of your waist is just above your navel. It is a good predictor of abdominal fat, a risk factor for heart disease. This risk increases with a waist measurement of over 40 inches in men and over 35 inches in women.
Losing weight is one of the things we can do to reduce the risk of heart disease. Along with being physically fit and being active. So being fit, active, eating a healthy diet all help in us enjoying a good and long life.
According to the Heart Foundation, the underlying cause of coronary heart disease is a slow build up of fatty deposits on the inner wall of the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood (the coronary arteries). These fatty deposits gradually clog the arteries and reduce the flow of blood to the heart.
There are risk factors that you can change to prevent heart disease -:
  • being overweight
  • smoking - both active and passive (second hand smoke)
  • high blood cholesterol and pressure
  • diabetes
  • physical inactivity
While some of these risk factors (such as age and gender) can't be changed, the good news is that there are many steps that you can take to reduce your risk of developing coronary heart disease.

What you need to do

Firstly get a full check up from your doctor. Blood pressure, weight, blood tests, and perhaps even a stress test. At the same time cut out any fast foods, high calorie foods, soft drinks. Start walking for every day, even 10 minutes a day to get you started and the increase by a few minutes each day will have you walking easily and effortlessly.
Remember - You are What You Eat!
Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live. Make it your temple and treat it with respect. In return it will help you enjoy a long and active life.
Life is to be enjoyed - for a long time.
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Walking For Weight Loss - Tips That Work


Doesn't it seem like every day brings us another fad diet or other so-called "weight loss miracle"? Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of these plans really do work, but that's not the problem. The problem is that there are just so many that it makes it hard for the average person to figure out which ones work and which ones they should pass on. But there is one method that is ideal... walking for weight loss. Let's take a look at why it is such a good option for shedding those extra pounds.

Before we get to why it's so good, it's important to understand a bit about how losing weight works. It all comes down to a simple equation: 3,500 calories is equal to one pound of body weight. So, if you take in an extra 3,500 calories compared to what you burn off, then you will gain a pound. If you get rid of 3,500 calories, you will lose a pound. There are a few exceptions to this because some calories are more easily stored, and not all exercise is the same. Regardless, physical activity is an important part of any weight loss plan.

Almost everybody can go for a walk. Even those who may be missing a leg are usually able to walk. What's the best way of walking for weight loss? The answer is as simple as can be. All you need to do is put one foot in front of the other, then repeat the process for as many times as you wish.
Another benefit of walking for weight loss is that you need any special equipment, except for a comfortable pair of shoes. There's no need to buy any special clothes, and you don't have to join a gym or pay a personal trainer, either.

Walking is a low-impact way to burn calories. In theory, you could walk for hours at a time, though that wouldn't be practical. Still, if you have been inactive until now, it's always a good idea to talk to your doctor about your plans. They will be aware of any underlying medical concerns, and can let you know if there are any precautions you need to take.

Exercise burns calories, but it has another benefit for weight loss and that is boosting your metabolism. You will get a little extra help burning calories for a few hours after you have stopped walking. Of course, the more brisk you walk, the more calories you will burn. But any walking is better than none at all.
Finally, people are built to walk. We're bipedal; it's in our DNA. It only makes sense that one of the best things you can do for your health is to use the body in a way it was designed for. But... none of this matter if you don't take action. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start walking for weight loss.
For additional information about weight loss, please visit http://easy2fitness.comArticle Source:

7 Simple Nutrition Tips for More Effective Weight Loss


Losing weight can be a daunting and frustrating process. You can spend hours and hours on a tread mill or stationary bike and still not see the results you want.If losing weight is the primary goal of your exercise regimen, then you need to focus on your diet.And when I say diet, I DON'T mean cutting calories.Cutting calories for the sake of cutting calories is counterproductive to weight loss. If you do not eat the proper diet when cutting calories, you will lose muscle mass, which lowers your resting metabolic rate. Your body will then burn fewer calories at rest, causing you to have to do more and more cardio or additional exercise to maintain or lose weight.A high protein, low carbohydrate diet is a great for weight loss. High protein meals are more filling and will help you preserve your lean muscle mass.But don't stop with a high protein, low carb diet. Take note of these simple fat loss tips below to help you reach your weight loss goals.

1. Eat a high quality protein with each meal, especially breakfast to maximize weight loss.
High quality proteins are grass-fed beef, poultry, pork, wild game (bison and elk)and eggs.
Eating meals high in protein will help you manage your blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as preserve lean muscle mass.Starting your day with a high protein meal, especially combined with nuts, will help you avoid those mid morning cravings and maintain your focus.

2. Eat foods high in indigestible fiber.High fiber foods will fill you up faster and will help limit the calories that are absorbed by the body. Calories that are absorbed by the body eventually turn into fat, hindering your weight loss efforts.The high fiber foods need to be from natural sources and not processed foods. Naturally high fiber foods include fruits and vegetables. Processed fiber does not have the same affect on digestion nor do they have the same filling effect.

3. Drink Green TeaGreen tea has caffeine and is rich in catechin antioxidants. This caffeine/catechin combination promotes fat loss by decreasing fat absorption and suppressing your appetite.

4. Eat foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids for more effective weight loss.You can find naturally occurring omega-3 fats in fish or grass fed beef. Cows fed a traditional grain fed diet do not have the same amount of omega-3 fats or CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). When drinking milk, opt for whole milk from pasture raised cows to optimize your omega-3 and CLA ingestion.Omega-3 fats raise your body temperature which in turn helps your body burn more calories.

5. Eat a diet high in monosaturated fats.Monosaturated fats are found in foods like avocados and olives (also olive oil). These monosaturated fats are filled with nutrients that promote metabolic health and raise your calorie expenditure. Monosaturated fats work similarly to omega-3 fats.

6. Eat probiotic foods.The health and number of the bacteria found in your gut actually determine how many calories that your body absorbs. As mentioned earlier, these calories that are absorbed can then turn into stored fat.Good probiotic foods are pickled foods, yogurt, kefir and kim-chi.

7. Get your carbs from plants, not grains.Get the majority of your carbs from vegetables, especially green leafy vegetables. They will fill you up but are not calorically dense keeping your calorie total lower and helping you lose more weight. Research has shown that if you start your meal with a vegetable or salad, you will eat fewer overall calories at that meal.The higher antioxidants found in vegetables have a number of health benefits like cardiovascular health, lower incidence of stroke and better brain health. That's a great list of benefits to go along with their weight loss qualities!Follow these simple nutrition tips and you will be well on your way to increased energy levels, increased mental focus and washboard abs!If you want to lose body fat faster and get that lean, healthy physique you have always wanted, check out these 7 "Fatty" Foods for a Flat Stomach.At, I am going to show you a program that will help you uncover the truth about losing weight, melting away stubborn stomach fat and 16 super-simple tricks for keeping it off for good.Good luck with your weight loss and fitness goals!Article Source:

Fat Loss Answer - Have Fun Whilst Losing Extra Fat

by Helen Tanady

Being overweight is now a global dilemma and has grown to some degree wherever governments must even allocate millions of dollars for applications to address this problem. For most industrialized nations, obesity grew to become a result on the much more sedentary lifestyle that came about due to advancements in science and engineering, which allowed persons to enjoy a less active existence through using modern conveniences. Because world progresses into a more state-of-the-art point out, obesity grew to become evident even in building, new industrialized nations. If you are struggling with being overweight, you do not really need to experience helpless in losing undesired excess fat when you stick to a fat loss system which can be easy however exciting.
Two Simple Tenets of Bodyweight Loss
You have heard it mentioned too typically that a excellent pounds burning application may be summarized into two standard principles - sustain a good diet plan and exercise the unwanted pounds off. That may perhaps sound too basic, but it's just really what you'll need to learn if you want to drop bodyweight. Nonetheless, individuals have different physical wants and so an effective fat loss application should be customized to every person's needs. Your very first step towards reducing your weight is to ask a professional, either a medical doctor or a nutritionist for advise. You are able to then figure out a great strategy which will specify how very much you've to get rid of and at what rate need to you lose individuals lbs.
After a thorough analysis of your entire body extra fat ratio and also the amount of excess fat that you may need to shed, you may be on your solution to subsequent a fat loss software that will perform for you. The rate of pounds loss should fit your physique requires, as losing too much too shortly may possibly have adverse results in your health. A sudden fall on your power level may perhaps happen because of low calorie intake, or worse, certain health dangers for instance heart or kidney strain may possibly also create if your bodyweight burning is as well fast. Alternatively, a extremely slow fat loss software may well not trigger a significant decline on your excess weight.
Right after identifying the proper fat loss plan for you personally, attempt your finest to adhere to it. Most of these plans combine diet and exercise. By making assortment on your application, you can have entertaining while losing bodyweight. For instance, you are able to believe of low calorie foods that aren't as well bland, however healthy sufficient to help your metabolism. It is possible to also include outdoor actions for example biking, swimming or kayaking that will support you drop bodyweight while owning exciting.
You do not must remain away from tasty foods or confine your self towards the gym all evening in order to obtain rid of individuals undesirable kilos. A beneficial fat loss software must offer a variety of low calorie yet delicious meals and a set of actual actions that happen to be each fun and rewarding. It must be appealing sufficient so that you simply can stay with it and make it a component of your way of life for excellent.
Helen Tanady has been writing articles, online and offline, for more than 4 years. This author often writes on health and fitness, dating, weight loss and fat loss related. Read her latest articles at sirius radio receivers [] which explain and review about sirius satellite radio receiver [].

5 Excellent Foods to Help You Lose Weight


mericans spend nearly $30 billion a year on weight loss products. The sad part is that most of these products do not even work. Every single day, so many people are fooled into buying hyped up diet products in the hope of losing quick weight. The good news is that there are so many relatively inexpensive products available at your local grocery which can help you lose weight. Research has pointed out dozens of foods which can help in preventing hunger pangs, boost metabolism and even end your sugar cravings. On top of that, these foods also carry other health benefits. So, let us see a few of them in this article.
Eggs: These are full of protein which is good for weight loss. Protein prevents sugar spikes and may thus prevent food cravings. Eggs help in keeping you feeling full for long time so that you avoid binge eating. In a study of 30 overweight women, it was found that those who ate 2 scrambled eggs at breakfast consumed lesser calories over the next 30 hours when compared to women whose breakfast consisted of similar number of calories but didn't include eggs.

Salad: Have salad present at lunch and dinner. When you eat more salad, which contains far fewer calories, you tend to eat the main meal in far lesser quantity than you would otherwise consume. There are other benefits of salad as a study conducted by Journal of the American Dietetic Association found out. People who ate one salad a day had higher levels of Vitamin C and E, folic acid and carotenoids. All these are excellent disease fighters.

Soup: Some people may prefer soup instead of salad. It is great to begin your lunch with a soup. You can even have a bowl of soup at dinner. When you have soup before meals, you will eat less than normal. It is best to keep the soup at the level of 100 to 150 calories per serving, which means you have to avoid using cream and butter.

Apples: Eating a full apple before meals is another superb technique to avoid overeating. When you eat a full apple, you will feel full soon enough. This way you can cut back on calories. The other benefit is that apples provide numerous other health benefits; who doesn't know the popular saying, 'An apple a day keeps the doctor away'. One thing to keep in mind is to eat the apple rather than drinking apple juice. This is because raw fruit contains more fiber than the juice. Secondly, the act of chewing sends signals to the brain that you are eating a lot and can thus cause you to feel full sooner, curbing your appetite.

Green Tea: Many studies have been conducted on the benefits of green tea. It contains a substance known as EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) which is helpful in boosting metabolism. Furthermore, various studies have shown that people who consume green tea and then exercise burn lot more calories than those who just exercise without drinking it. In one study, men who drank green tea and then exercised burned 17% more fat than others.

There are lots of healthy weight loss tips that you can follow to achieve your ideal weight. To learn more about how to lose weigh fast go to

Weight Loss: Where to find Hidden Calories


If you have been eating as usual and the pounds seem to be
creeping on - you could be a victim of hidden calories.
When we are busy, stressed or focused on something else
we reach for convenient snacks that are usually high in fat.
This unconscious eating will add up to a whole lot of extra calories in the course of a day,or year. This mindless eating is nothing more than a habit that can be broken.
To get this habit under control write down everything you eat
for the next 3 weeks - everything! Be on guard for those times
when you are more susceptible to unconscious eating.
At work:
* You find bowls of candy on coworkers' desks
* Your coworkers bring in doughnuts and pastries
* Office gatherings - where you will always find lots of fatty food
At home:
* You're cooking dinner and sample the food - these calories add up
* Your children don't eat all their food - you eat that too - more calories
* While talking on the phone - there goes how many cookies?
* When you are worried
* When you are happy
* When you are bored
Dining out:
* You eat the bread that is served before the meal
* You have a drink before your meal
* You eat dessert which you usually don't do
* Endless party snacks that are full of fat and calories
* Talking while you eat is the easiest way to take in those extra calories
* Then those drinks again - it is easy to stack up the calories
Watching Television:
* We are so focused on what we are watching that we pay little attention to how much we are eating.
The first step is to tune in and be aware of those times that you
consume extra calories. Then find ways to avoid them. For
example, how do you avoid the candies on coworkers' desks?
First become aware of how many calories there are in each candy
and how long it will take to burn off those calories. You will look at the candies differently when you think of them in this light. If high fat snacking is a temptation at work bring some low fat food to keep you full and your hand out of the candy jar. To avoid eating a lot at a party eat a little before you go so you won't be hungry and tempted to snack on everything you see. As for alcohol, you can delete your drinks with water.
One pound is equal to 3,500 calories. Depending on your gender,
age, muscle mass, and size you need approximately 2000 calories
per day to stay at your normal weight. When you consume more than this amount your body stores the added calories as fat. If you go over your daily requirement then you will have to exercise to get rid of those calories.
If you go to this site you will be able to calculate how many calories you need to maintain your weight. (The weight is in kilos)
Check out this site to find out how many calories are in candies
and junk food

Easy Tips To Follow When Getting Bariatric Surgery

By Kerri Stout

Losing weight is a difficult task for most people. When the non-invasive procedures do not work for them, then they will require invasive procedures as their last resort. It should help them effectively get rid of their extra pounds. Out of those invasive procedures that can effectively get rid of your extra pounds, the bariatric surgery in Mexico is your best bet.

Of course, this might be a procedure that is quite new to you. If that is so, then you better gather as much information as you can about it. There are various information that you can get nowadays about this procedure that can help you get the most out of the said procedure. Here are just a few of those tips that you can use.

Follow thru with the doctor's advice. Your doctor is the one who is the most knowledgeable about what you should and should not do before, during, and after the said treatment. If you do not follow through with the doctor's advice, even when you already got home, you will end up wasting your efforts in going through this procedure.

Do a self-evaluation and you have to do it honestly. There are times when the post-op care fails and you think that the said procedure does not work. However, that may not be the case at all. You have to evaluate yourself and see if it is not you who is making the entire procedure into a waste.

Get the right attitude before, during, and after the said procedure. Just because you already got through the said procedure that you are already fine. Be sure to take care of your body already so that you do not get back those excess fats that you already have shed.

Water is vital to your health. Thus, you have to drink lots of water. You should drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water a day so that you can keep your body hydrated. The body is made to like water while the muscles need water to function so you have to keep drinking. You can drink small amounts of water every hour.

Eating is another vital process of the body. This is where you usually get your nutrients. However, you should never rush back into eating. Even if the said treatment is a big success, you will be asked to stay on a liquid diet for the first four weeks after the procedure. The two weeks after the said treatment is pureed diet.

You might then want to change your eating habits for good. This means that you have to change the current lifestyle that you are used to. When it comes to your eating habits, you have to retain the healthy habits and eliminate those that are not healthy. Exercise is also a good addition to your healthy lifestyle.

A support group will help you out. Thus, you should look for one and join it. Even though that is not a mandatory advice coming from your doctor, you should consider going to one because the support group is what will help you change your lifestyle to that of a healthy one. You have lots of benefits to enjoy out of joining a support group.

About the Author:

Effective Tips on How to Drop Weight Fast


Everybody wants to know what the best and most effective tips on how to drop weight fast are. Unfortunately, most of the "quick" and "fast" promises out there are nothing but empty lies in hopes to fill marketers with money in their pockets. Fortunately, there are tips that do work and do get you in shape. This is going to cover exactly what those are.
First off, realize that weight loss is not as easy as some make it out to be. For true and effective weight loss that lasts, you are going to have to put in work. And depending on how much weight you have, it can be a long time before you reach that ideal weight you want.
I'm just saying things the way they are. Do not have high expectations that you can lose ten to twenty pounds a week! Heck, that's pretty hard in a month! The best amount of weight to lose is around 2 pounds of fat per week. This is absolutely perfect and is really effective. It's what most people should be aiming for. Because if you can do this for a year that's a lot of weight you'll lose.
How to drop weight fast? It's a three part process and requires that you diet, exercise, and have the right motivation. If you do not have all of these three then you will hit many roadblocks along the way for your weight loss journey.
You see, most people just want to learn how to get rid of some extra pounds and when they're done they plan on eating the way they used to. Unfortunately, this is very bad and incorrect thinking of how to drop weight fast. The reason you are overweight is because of what you've been doing! Eating the way you are eating now is NOT going to help you at all. You must change your eating habits and also become more active if you want to get in shape.
Weight loss is not for the lazy. It is for those dedicating to reaching their goals and changing something that is quite difficult to change. This is the reason most people do not change their weight. Because most people are lazy and useless as far as going after a difficult goal and succeeding. Are you one of those useless people? If you are, stop reading this article and go away. Go watch television. If you aren't, though, realize that it is going to take a lot of work, roll up your sleeves, and get ready for a workout both physically and mentally.
Rick Harris has a website filled with tips and techniques on How to Lose Weight Fast [].

Fake Weight Loss Claims: Identify Them


Its crowded..really crowded..every other site offers Weight Loss Programs and guarantees loss of weight quickly and effectively. But do they really live upto it? Does Loss of Weight remains with time or the individual regains the weight after some time? The answer to these question differentiates between genuine Weight Loss Programs and fake Weight Loss Programs.
Things to Watch out for:
1) One product cant serve the needs of all people. Programs which claim to work for all types of masses is BIG NO.
Tip: Look out for programs which reads your body needs and body structure and how your Metabolism works.
2) Programs which assures permanent Weight Loss, even after you don't use the product. Mark it Fake.
Tip: You have to follow the Diet Plan and exercise on daily basis. Walking or Jogging daily helps a lot.
3) Programs which allows you to eat anything you want. Believe me this is fake also. How can you on this earth remain fit by eating anything or everything you want.
Tip: You need to take a BALANCED DIET with proper amount of calories , fat and other nutrients.
4) Be careful with programs that claim to reduce more than two pounds a week.Such programs will disturb your Metabolism and digestive system to great extent.
Tip: Loose upto 1 or 2 Pound Per week.
5) Programs which have products that are to be applied on body or something like that will NEVER NEVER work for you.
Tip: The best and the most successful way to loose weight is to follow a Diet Plan and Exercise daily. Get a free Diet Plan for your body right here at []
Ashley Green for []
Also get free tips and advice on weight loss and diet related issues at Weight Loss Programs, Tips and Advice []
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